Investment Management

Our investment management services help grow and protect your wealth for the long term.

Wallis Payne understands that portfolio returns are a key reason that clients seek financial advice. As such, we utilise our own experience along with spending considerable time working with portfolio managers and consultants to ensure that our clients have access to the highest quality investment opportunities available.

Asset allocation is a fundamental component of portfolio returns which includes reviewing risks and opportunities across all asset classes including shares, commercial property, infrastructure, income securities and cash.

We adopt a dynamic approach to investment management and look to adjust portfolio asset allocations where appropriate to take into consideration risk profiles and financial objectives of our clients alongside our broader view of investment markets and economic conditions.

Our primary objective is to steadily build wealth over time by prioritising high quality investments that generate strong cash flow and have a proven track record. We also prefer investments with limited downside risk over those with potential for significant gains to encourage certainty around financial planning.

Recommended portfolios are backed by Lonsec Research and utilise a combination of securities listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and unlisted investments to provide appropriate diversification, liquidity and exposure across all asset classes.

Tailored financial planning and investment solutions for every stage of your life

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